Health food refers to food products which claim to have specific health functions or supplement one's vitamins or minerals. Health food is suitable for the consumption by specific groups of people and has the effect of regulating human body functions, but is not used for the purpose of treating diseases.
Our experienced team will provide local and imported product registration in CFDA.
The scope of project will include:
Ascertain the best route to CFDA approval in China;
Development of Product Registration technical documents
Choose suitable and qualified labs for type testing;
Translate documents;
Obtain registration certificate.
Health food refers to food products which claim to have specific health functions or supplement one's vitamins or minerals. Health food is suitable for the consumption by specific groups of people and has the effect of regulating human body functions, but is not used for the purpose of treating diseases.
Our experienced team will provide local and imported product registration in CFDA.
The scope of project will include:
Ascertain the best route to CFDA approval in China;
Development of Product Registration technical documents
Choose suitable and qualified labs for type testing;
Translate documents;
Obtain registration certificate.
BDe consulting (Shanghai) Co, Ltd.
Tel: +86 18321668812
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